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Mylene necklace

How to wear?
This 18k plated gold necklace by Mimi et toi is a beautiful asset to your outfits! The jewelry piece is provided with a chic pendant with a onyx stone. 


  • Length: 44 cm, with a 3 cm extension
  • Stone onyx

Shipping & returns

  • Shipments within Europe will take up to 2 to 7 business days for delivery. Returns can be made within 14 days after delivery.

Care instructions

All our products are made and finished in only high quality materials. We therefor advice you to carefully read our care instructions to ensure it’s receiving the best care possible for duration.

In time, raw brass might oxidize or display darker color than when you received it. Patina and Oxidation is natural. As brass is an alloy of copper and zinc, it naturally tarnishes when exposed to oxygen. It may occur gradually over a long period of time, or quicker with exposure to humidity, chemicals or cosmetics. Any discoloration can be quickly remedied, as all raw brass items can easily and always be restored to their original color with some easy care.

To reduce the frequency in which you may need to clean or spot treat your brass, try to keep your brass out of humidity and wipe your pieces clean after a day or night of wear. We advice ‘Brasso coppery shine’ and a soft piece of cloth.

Keep hands clean and dry or add a layer of clear nail polish on the inside of the band to prevent oxidation and marks on the skin. Remove, rings before washing hands, cooking, cleaning, or applying lotions for longevity of your piece.


Mylene necklace How to wear?This 18k plated gold necklace by Mimi et toi is a beautiful asset to your outfits! The jewelry piece is provided with a chic pendant with a onyx stone